Acceptable Use Policy for Remote Blended Learning
The COVID-19 pandemic significantly affected the school-based system of our education. As a response to this pandemic, alternative modalities of instruction need to be implemented. These include remote and blended learning. We need to continue with education while taking into consideration the factors that we have to deal with. In this regard, a policy to guide us needs to be established in order to be able to maintain a conducive mode of learning through a remote or blended set-up.
In order to continue to find order in this challenging environment, we still strive to maintain the values of truth, excellence, and service which are the main guiding points of a PSHS scholar, as stated in our Code of Conduct (COC).
Use of PSHS Email Account
- The user shall not use e-mail for illegal, immoral, or any other purpose disallowed by PSHS.
- The user is responsible for maintaining his/her e-mail files.
- The Information Systems Analyst (ISA) shall have the sole authority to create an issue an official email to each PSHS regular student.
- School email shall be used for academic and PSHS-related communications only (not commercial, personal, nor religious matters).
- The PSHS e-mail shall not be used to create accounts for applications which are downloadable on the internet (e.g. Roblox, Shopee, Lazada, GCash, etc).
- It shall not be used to create an account for social media, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.
- It shall be the sole email to be used to log-in to the Learning Management System (LMS) of PSHS.
- School email shall only be used by the student enrolled at PSHS.
- School email should not be used by students when merely discussing matters unrelated to academic activities or projects.
- School email should not be used to forward spam mails, advertisement, fake news, commercial, or personal matters.
- School email shall be deactivated for those who are no longer connected with the school, such as but not limited to graduates of PSHS.
Use of Learning Management System
- The system shall be used for academic learning and PSHS-related projects and activities.
- The system should not be used for personal chatting on matters unrelated to school projects or activities.
- The system shall not be used as an outlet for students' complaints or grievances.
- Students are required to be courteous and respectful to their teachers and peers when communicating through this system.
- Hacking or unlawful accessing of data from the system is not allowed. This shall be considered as intellectual dishonesty.
- Students are prohibited from sharing the contents of the system without prior written permission from the system administrator, their subject teachers, or official advisers.
- When allowed by the system administrator, subject teacher, or official adviser, the sharing of information shall be limited to academic matters covered by the authority and function of the authority who granted the sharing of information and shall not include any personal information, sensitive personal information, and privileged communication concerning their classmates, peers, teachers, and PSHS employees.
Personal information refers to any information, whether recorded in a material form or not, from which the identity of an individual is apparent or can be reasonably and directly ascertained by the entity holding the information, or when put together with other information, would directly and certainly identify an individual (DPA).
Sensitive personal information refers to personal information about an individual's race, ethnic origin, marital status, age, color, religion, philosophical or political affiliations, health, education, genetic, or sexual life, any proceeding for any offense committed or alleged to have been committed by such person, the disposal of such proceedings, or the sentence of any court in such proceedings. It is also information issued by the government agencies peculiar to an individual which includes, but not limited to social security numbers, previous or current health records, licenses or its denials, suspension or revocation, and tax returns. It is also information specifically established by an executive order or an act of Congress to be kept classified (DPA).
Privileged communication refers to any and all forms of data which, under the Rules of Court and other pertinent laws, constitute privileged communication, such as that communication between a lawyer and a client, or a doctor and his patient (DPA). - The LMS shall not be used for spreading rumors.
- Uploading of files in the system shall be done on the teachers' instructions or as part of the course requirement only.
- Any unauthorized access to the system which causes data breach shall be the liability of the account holder from where access originated.
- Submissions to the LMS should be properly cited using the required referencing (APA, MLA, etc.). Proper citation shall be required even for materials derived from open education resources.
- Materials uploaded in the system (e.g. learning guides) must comply with the laws on copyright (see IP Code as reference).
Use of laptops and PSHS-issued gadgets
- Computers shall always be shut down properly.
- The user shall be responsible for the daily surface maintenance of the assigned laptop or gadget.
- The authority and responsibility to install, upgrade, or modify any hardware or software rests solely on the ISA.
- The ISA is responsible for the daily updating of anti-virus programs installed in the servers. The ISA shall periodically give advisories to users to keep the informed on the best practices to combat viruses. It is the responsibility of the user to keep his / her anti-virus program updated regularly.
- PSHS-issued laptops and gadgets shall be handled with utmost care.